yesterday was a whirl-wind of a day. i have to sit back and sigh at everything that happened. not only did it involve work, but it included the emergency room as well. let me start at the beginning. when i got to work, i was escorted to where the 1st grade girls were playing outside and told i would be with them unless otherwise noticed. for about the first hour while being with them, my hand was held, i was smiled back at, told i was pretty, told i had pretty hair, hugged and so on. what girl doesn't like that? i was eating it up, i have to admit.
unfortunately, the rest of my day wasn't spent with them. but that's okay. i was moved to a room with 4th-6th grade girls. they were nice, just different, and if you have been around this age group, you know what i'm talking about. nevertheless, my first day was great. the atmosphere is very laid back. they spend a high majority of the day outside, and while inside, their day consists of games, computers, listening to music and eating lunch. at the end of the day, it seemed as if the 8 hours i was there went by much faster than what i had assumed it would.
i left my cell phone in my car, and when i checked it after i got off work, i had several missed calls and a voicemail from my roommate and best friend, abby. i checked the message, and after hearing it, i immediately called her back, then i tried calling her mom, finally i got ahold of her boyfriend. in her message, she informed me that she had just left the infirmary (our college's dr.'s office) and was on her way to the emergency room. she had tested positive for mono. i had spoken with her the previous day, and she told me she hadn't felt well all weekend, but no one assumed it would be that. after i talked to her boyfriend, i rushed to the e.r. where a couple of her friends were already gathered. her mom was on her way (it's a 2.5 hour drive from morristown to cookeville). we took turns going in to see her, and i drove her back here to our apartment where her mom met us when she arrived.
at the present moment, i am sitting alone in my apartment. abby just left about an hour ago with her mom for home to get rest. the doctors said really there's nothing you can do when you have mono, all you can do is rest and take tylenol. no activity or sunlight is encouraged. i hope she feels better. i'm a little sad for having to live alone for awhile, but things happen and life hardly ever results the way you had things planned, so i'm not too worried about it. i just hope she gets to feeling well soon. :)
i go to work at 3, so i have a little while before i have to leave. there's no telling what kind of adventures this day will hold. one funny thing i have to share: i was sitting with a few of the 1st grade girls outside yesterday, and they were talking about where they came from, etc. many of them said "i'm part irish," part ....", etc well, one of the girls turned to me and said as clear as day, "i'm part irish and part country." hahahahaha i had to turn my face and hold my laughter in. that is something i will never forget. i guess i'm kinda part country too now that i think about it. haha wow i just can't get over that. kids say the darnest things, haha
hope everyone has a great day
buenos dias mis amigos