every single day, i like to put on music that fits my mood.
is that just me or does everyone do that?
what i've been listening to today:
coldplay-"in my place"
i love the last part when it seems like he is begging to be heard "please please please..."
it's a beautiful song.
i have a new obsession: cherry vanilla dr. pepper from sonic at happy hour, now isn't that just fabulous to add to my addiction with diet coke? i think not, but...it could be worse :)
today has been business, business, business. bleh, no fun at all:
my air conditioning decided to stop working again on one of the hottest days of the summer, finally got that fixed today
had to go to the board of education office to get a background check for my job next week
turns out, i have to have another interview before i can get the job-
something i had no idea about!
thus, i technically don't have the job YET, but
please please please
keep me in your thoughts and prayers, i really need this.
after i left that office today, i felt a load of stress and anxiety blanket itself on my shoulders, all nice and snug, only the feeling is very uncomfortable.
i headed in the direction of wal-mart for dish detergent (another non-fun adult activity to add to my list today) and as i got out of the car, i berated myself.
i REFUSE to stress. everything that happens is ultimately out of my hands.
i CANNOT foresee the future, all i can do is hope and pray.
my life is GOOD, and everything will fall into place as it should, even if i don't get that job or if things don't turn out the way i expect them to.
i have little control, therefore the best i can do is live my life and try to be the best person i can be.
buenos tardes mis amigos! i love you all :)