Wednesday, April 29, 2009
a list of memories
on warm sunny days, i park at a distance

Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
stuffing popcorn in my face.
- kettle corn that is :) my favorite.
- school will be over this semester in 9 days.
- the above statement brings mixed emotions
- i hate public speaking. i've made speeches three times in the last week.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
poem inspired from a song
this picture is of the quad at Tech. it was beautiful, i couldn't resist taking a pic of it yesterday.
this poem was inspired by this song
"Fearless Energy"
You’re creeping in unnoticed,
Like an animal searching for its prey,
Only this time it’s me you’re after.
I am not afraid, I’ve wanted this forever, but
I hid the hope inside of me for so long,
I didn’t even realize I could consider it again.
I glide on fearful steps of what may arrive
because of things left undone.
I shut my eyes, fearing what tomorrow could bring and
I glance towards you, timid and afraid.
All of the sudden a burst of energy comes my way.
I let myself feel again, and the wind
carries your thoughts to my own.
I’m letting these thoughts grow with
the comfort around us, I won’t let it wilt
because it hasn’t disappeared.
Night did fall, and we were blind
because of our own insecurities.
Now, the dust has been cleaned
from those years.
The sunrise brims over
the mountain. Time is now
in sync with us together.
It’s been years, but never has this hope
burned more brightly, nor has it been
burned out of my mind.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
I'm back, for now
The tint of our blood runs along the same lines
yet where I see blue, you turn and run a mile.
You chase after the reds and greens and leave others behind;
I stay while you run and ask myself, “am I a thorn in your side?”
We have different shades, different colors. Perhaps we are now
strangers divided by passing time. I grab the towel
and try to wipe the mess away, and go for a new start,
but too many days have gone by and we have forgotten our part.
The faded photographs hang on my wall. In those pictures, we will continue
being young. Our colors blended together, the red, green, blue.
I see you now and wonder what goes on in your mind,
I will walk; you decide to run. I seek, and you will find.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
this is my plan
Friday, April 17, 2009
wild flowers are my favorite

i had a nice evening tonight. after quite an eventful week, it was nice to relax with a movie, left over Easter candy :) and some friends, caroline and hillary. we watched Secret Window.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
summer fever

hmm...things to look forward to this summer
Sunday, April 12, 2009
back in cookeville

drove back to cookeville tonight after a lovely weekend at home for Easter. i've been wanting to redecorate my room lately...maybe because I spend too much time in there doing homework and it gets old looking at the same ol' thing? perhaps.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
rebel, rebel
Monday, April 6, 2009
Sunday, April 5, 2009
a couple poems I've recently written
He sits in the brown, worn chair sipping tea.
It’s always half empty--
the waitress can never refill it, and he
perches where the view is darkness.
She walks in the door, greeting strangers.
Spilling the juice handed her, she laughs
she leaves admirers in her shadow
if she knew that,
it would grieve her.
He glances at the woman,
a grimace in place
and she catches his eye
no one begs her to smile.
Neither knows what they are capable of.
If he could open his eyes,
turn around for a little while
maybe he could see
why the world looks better
out of darkness.
She takes careful, yet brave steps
to the door as she leaves
for a place he is a stranger to.
Her friends beckon her on.
He remains, mute and
with skin turning down
in a critical stare.
To the onlooker, he cares not to save
yet unknowingly, he tortures.
His mind is in a state of unawareness;
hers absorbs all she can take in.
He shuts his eyes, and
she peers in the window, searching.
As soon as this time will transpire, I will race for the door.
I am tired, yet willing and waiting.
My mind is running a mile a minute, “shall I stay or
should I go?”
I’m always asking the same questions, it never changes.
Like a clock, our words have been ticking as time travels by.
I try telling myself it will be alright in the end, but
tonight I feel a rush of adrenaline,
only I had done zilch, zero strenuous labor.
This rush is coming from the repeated rhythm of words
in my head that I beckon my mouth to speak.
I beg myself not to say anything though, in fear of the blurred future.
I grab onto the door handle and make my exit, trying
to shut all the talk out. I am a mix of emotions.
if I turn the other way, you won’t notice, and so
I take my leave of absence telling myself tomorrow
I will be brave enough to admit all of this to you.
Tomorrow has yet to arrive, and I’ve tallied up the days
since we have last talked. I don’t desire to feel as I do.
It caught me off guard, but I’m sinking into this sense
of feeling as the days pass by. I count on it now.
Tomorrow I will face you and focus on the words that have
been hiding inside of me for longer than I imagined.