i had a nice evening tonight. after quite an eventful week, it was nice to relax with a movie, left over Easter candy :) and some friends, caroline and hillary. we watched Secret Window. http://www.imdb.com/video/screenplay/vi1945436953/
it was really good, and did not scare me like i thought it might(i get scared way too easily), it's only suspenseful.
my friends dean and abby and i each took a turn reading from the new Ryan Adams poetry book later on in the evening, which might i add is brilliant and i want to purchase it as soon as i can. i wanted to share a poem from it but i don't think it's available online, or i couldn't find it. it's called "Lighthouse." poetry really excites me, i would probably be a "starving artist" if it weren't for my abundant appetite. :)
i have yet to get started reading the Allen Ginsburg poetry book i bought for 5 dollars about a month ago :( no time...hopefully soon though.
i don't believe i'm going to post my latest marianne moore imitation, i'm not too satisfied with it, maybe with time, it'll grow on me.
on that note, i'm going to take my pen in hand or maybe spend some more time with Jane, i haven't finished yet.
here's to the end of a goodnight dearies :)