"The world has moved, be quick enough to not miss it now,
so wake up your eyes and darling your smile" -Copeland

Thursday, April 23, 2009

I'm back, for now

first of all, let me say, "No me gusta espanol!!"  okay and now let me take that big and rephrase.  i do like spanish, in fact i love spanish, I wish I had more time to learn it, but the fact is, i don't. it is not my major, and i wish i could learn it just for me and not because i have to because it is in my curriculum (which doesn't make a bit of sense to me).  i spend more time trying to learn spanish than in my classes for my major.  and that frustrates me! thus, i have had no life.  this has been the schedule for about the last two weeks: sleep, eat, study, repeat.  exciting, huh?  i wish there was more time to enjoy the days, but soon i'll be out so i can soak it up soon :) and now, a new poem for you. hope you enjoy :)


The tint of our blood runs along the same lines

yet where I see blue, you turn and run a mile.


You chase after the reds and greens and leave others behind;

I stay while you run and ask myself, “am I a thorn in your side?”


We have different shades, different colors. Perhaps we are now

strangers divided by passing time. I grab the towel


and try to wipe the mess away, and go for a new start,

but too many days have gone by and we have forgotten our part.


The faded photographs hang on my wall. In those pictures, we will continue

being young. Our colors blended together, the red, green, blue.


I see you now and wonder what goes on in your mind,

I will walk; you decide to run. I seek, and you will find.