drove back to cookeville tonight after a lovely weekend at home for Easter. i've been wanting to redecorate my room lately...maybe because I spend too much time in there doing homework and it gets old looking at the same ol' thing? perhaps.
i found my radiohead poster :) hung it up on my door. the coldplay one went in the downstairs bathroom.
anyway, i started writing another marianne moore poem imitation tonight...needs some work, but i should have it up here soon. i actually do like her writing style, it's frustrating at first, but most things are at the beginning. :) it's grown on me.
currently, i've been reading Jane Eyre, and yes, for the third time, but not by choice! i've had to read it for class. this is my favorite time reading it. it's become one of my favorite books, andso i'll close on that note so i can continue with Jane. goodnight dearies :)