1. I'm addicted to diet coke
2. I laugh at pretty much anything remotely funny
3. I love roses but I like wildflowers best
4. I sleep with a down comforter, it's so comfortable
5. I like soy milk, not regular milk, but I don't like soy milk in my cereal
6. I was kind of a hippie in high school, still comes out occasionally :)
7. I want to have a library of books I've accumulated over the years
8. I lived in Mississippi the first eight years of my life
9. I want to write a book one day
10. I'm not sure where exactly I will live after I graduate
11. my roommate is my best friend
12. I like going in thrift stores
13. I have kept my American Lit and British Lit Anthologies (they are HUGE, over 2,000 pages) because I still want to read some of what we didn't cover in my classes...I'm a nerd that way ;)
14. my favorite coffee shop is cafe coco, you should go, it's in Nashville
15. I love sunsets
16. I really really like bread, pretty much any kind
17. summer is my favorite season, always has been
18. my hair on my head has been shaved completely off twice, not by choice
19. I have to wash my hands before I eat, kinda OCD about washing my hands
20. I like going to concerts a lot, been going to them since I was a wee little girl
21. I used to take ballet when I was little, I still love it, my favorite is the Nutcracker
22. When I lived in Mississippi, my neighbor was one of my best friends-Ryan, we would catch frogs together and make clubhouses
23. I am super close with my family
24. my friends and family make fun of me for saying/doing things without thinking haha (all in good fun)
25. I am super sentimental about most things, but I've learned that you can't go in for a life without change
26. I'm a horrible procrastinator
27. I don't like driving on interstates; I'd rather drive through a town even if it takes longer to get where I'm going
28. you could say music is my first love.
(photo from http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3205/2720775594_f02594df89.jpg)