eating my cheesecake.

i don't think i've ever mentioned my obsession with diet coke. that's what i'm chugging down here after the bite :)
thank you so much mimi and grandy (my grandparents) for my surprise cheesecake!!! it is so good :) i'm pretty sure i'm gonna eat it for dinner tonight ;) why not? it's friday, i think i should treat myself.
i took my folklore final last night, and let's just say by the time i had finished writing the essays, i felt like my hand was about to fall off. it was throbbing pretty bad.
today was my last day of class, now i just have finals. i'm happy about that and sad about that. it's a weird feeling. i like a routine, and so when it changes i feel a little out of whack before i set my feet into something else. as much as i like being spontaneous and doing things out of the blue, i count on a schedule as well. this is good and bad i think.
for now, i'm just gonna put my feet up, try not to stress about studying and enjoy my delicious dessert :)
buenos tardes