i'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited!!
i've had a good day. did the yard sale thing earlier, made some money but not as much as i would've liked. it's better than nothing though, right?
i was completely exhausted so i took a wee little nap when my mom and i got home.
i looked over my sister's friend's research paper she wrote for Grapes of Wrath (my sister and her friends get me to look at their english when i come home since i'm an english major and all, i actually like doing it hehe)
i went to the library and checked out On the Road. i've actually never read it, i know, surprising. i've wanted to read it for a year, but with school, i've no time.
after i left the library, two exciting things about my day occured.
i was downtown in morristown, and to my surprise i found that the antique store i used to go in in high school has been reopened!
yay! :)
it had been closed for about a year.
first exciting thing, but not the most exciting :)
so of course i had to go in. i was looking around wondering if they still had the old albums that i used to search through to try and find a treasure when i looked up and saw some albums displayed:
Led Zeppelin II
there were others, but i can't even remember them because i was sooooo excited about the Led Zeppelin one. ohmy goodness.
fact about me: i love classic rock, especially Led Zeppelin, so this was a gem to find.
i didn't expect to buy anything in there, but i couldn't resist. it was just three dollars :)
i'm gonna go enjoy some "whole lotta love" now :)