let me start out by saying that i woke up and went about my day at a leisurely pace. rosie and i had fun with my photo booth on my macbook (as you can see from the previous post), went to lay out at the pool with my mom, ran into some old friends from elementary school there, came home after the clouds decided to come in for a visit, and was settled on the couch watching some t.v. when i got a call from the career center in cookeville.
what is the career center?
it's a place that helps people find jobs, you can go there for other things too, but that was my reason for going.
i had my doubts about this place, especially because there were so many applicants, so when the voice on the other end of the line told me i had been accepted for a job, i was speechless. she told me i had to come in for orientation tomorrow (yesterday) at 8:30 a.m. i thanked her, got off the phone and as i was running up the steps to tell my mom,
my head was spinning.
just 5 minutes earlier, i had no job, was completely relaxed on the couch, didn't know when i'd be back in cookeville and was peeling my burnt shoulders. how could this be possible?
i was excited, but let me tell you, i don't adapt to change very well, and when i realized i'd need to go back to cookeville that very day, i was running in circles (not literally) because i had no time to think about it before it was a plan.
maybe i need to shake up some things sometime so i don't freak out all the time, huh?
i do like being spontaneous, so i don't understand why this had me stressed out.
after i packed my bags, i crammed them in my car, put on my bright red sunglasses and drove out of my driveway.
on the 2.5 hour drive, i had a lot of thoughts going on in my mind.
one of them is that old saying that goes something like "you don't know what you have until it's gone."
i think i do a pretty good job at appreciating the here and now, but i want to put it into practice even more.
take this job for example. i'm gonna be working with children at a summer day camp. it only last for 6 weeks, so after that, my job will be up. my first reaction to this was panic. i really need a stable job that doesn't have an end until i need it to end! but after i took a deep breath, i realized that if not for that call yesterday, i would still be searching, still be sitting on the couch not knowing what i had on my plate. and who knows? i might not have had the opportunity to work even less than 6 weeks.
so i wanna be glad for that today.
i wanna appreciate my friends and family more. nothing is forever, i had to learn that at a very young age. but there is something that can be forever:
i wanna keep that in mind and love people for who they are and appreciate them in the present. i never wanna look back and say "i didn't know what i had until it was gone"
je taime :)