*NOTE: some of my poems use the word "I" in them. yes, some of them come from personal experience but just as many are from an outsider's point of view. I use first person a lot because I believe it's easier to connect with, and that is how I want my readers to feel. :)
written March 4th 2008
Inside this chiseled heart is
where you rest.
I run away, but
you’re still abiding there.
At the sound of your voice, all
worry fades away.
It’s replaced with a hope that
someday everything will come back.
written fall 2007
I know it sounds pitiful, but I drove by his house tonight. I wanted to get out but feared what could’ve happened. I drove off only to end back where I came from. This time I did get out of the car. It was late at night; I knew he had just walked in the door so I was hoping he’d still be up. I slowly eased my way out of the car and took careful steps to his backdoor. The automatic light switched on which surprised me; there was not even a whisper to be heard. As I reached the door, I tugged on the handle. Locked. I didn’t think it would be locked, I thought to myself, but of course he would have locked it behind him so late at night.
I turned around and somehow got back in my car feeling rejected by the locked door. In my dream I had walked up to the door, pushed it open, and then found him waiting for me. At that point we would have looked into each other’s eyes, and he would have slowly walked towards me. Taking my cheek in his hand, he would have moved his lips toward mine.
I drove away berating myself while the reality of the situation took hold.