"The world has moved, be quick enough to not miss it now,
so wake up your eyes and darling your smile" -Copeland

Monday, June 22, 2009

"are you still growing?"

while at work today, we were all outside and i was sitting on one of the picnic tables along with a couple little girls, about the age of seven.  one of them kept asking me questions, and i patiently answered them.  well, she knows i'm older and one of the instructors, but she looked at me and in all seriousness asked me
"are you still growing?"
normally i think this would offend me, but i busted out laughing.  since day 1 at that job, the little kids have commented on my size.  i'm barely 5'1" and petite.  many of them make me feel like a shrimp, being taller than me.  i just thought it was so funny and adorable.  
i went to the new food lion grocery store today, and i have to admit i got a bit excited when i went inside.  it's so nice.  does that make me weird that that got me excited?  hmm...little things often do for me anyway.
please continue to keep the lemings and sextons in your prayers.  i believe i forgot to mention that my friend's brother and my friend's mom's (the one that passed away) son was on American Idol season 7-Josiah Leming
do any of you recognize him?  that is my friend andy's brother.  crazy, huh?  anyhow, just keep them in your thoughts please.  i think one of the worst things is seeing people you care about go through something difficult, especially in this case.  it really breaks my heart.
i've been reading The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger and it is soo good.  i highly recommend it.
well, i guess i'll say my goodbyes for now.
buenos noches